Stock Charts
The chart server that offers uniquely tailored charts with never-seen-before capabilities. The OS independent and mobile ready charts have features like visual administration with 100+ configurable settings, immense scalability, and zero programming..just to name a few!
Charts Features
ZERO developer
skills necessary
Easy to configure and adapt the overall look and feel of the chart directly from the visual ‘Settings’ provided. No developer skills are required.
Nearly 20 Million customized charts delivered every day
… and growing!
Powerful analysis
Quickly identify patterns and strategies and watch the price movements happening real-time using our charts.
More than 50 available indicators.
Incredible development
Multi-client capable, Immediately scalable cluster, available as a SAAS solution, mutilingual, connection of your own data sources is possible.
Create charts that are uniquely YOU!
Independent of OS & Browser, Mobile Ready
Independent of the operating system
Independent of the browser. Supports all known browsers.
Can also be used immediately for all known mobile devices, iOS, Android and Windows.
With just a few clicks, charts can be integrated into any homepage, regardless of the location and regardless of the programming language used.
Amazing Array of Options
The Line / mountain / candlestick / OHLC as well as step-chart are available.
Delivery can be done as HTML5, image or Flash chart via a configuration. You can render the chart in the format of your choice.
Intraday chart, trading week chart available
Our charts are in the “Responsive Design” and can be presented with high quality on websites as well as on mobile devices.
Successful current Patrons
Over the years, we have advised and supported numerous popular companies in the financial services sector…and still continue to do so.
Our charts have been used by large banks, financial portals, and stock contests. Here we meet a variety of tasks
Seamless integration into the infrastructure of banks
Use of the B2C and B2B area at banks
Use in financial portals
Use on mobile applications
Cloud solution